I still believe

I believe in fairy tales, in wizards
In dragons, in magic
I believe that the moon is of cheese
I believe that the universe has an end.

I still believe
In books, in literature
In history and humanity
I believe in fairies, in witches
In princess and knights
In werewolves & vampires.

I still believe
In elves, in dwarfs
In gods and heroes
I believe in dreams and in nightmares
In happy endings and ever after
In battles that can be won
I still believe in love!


  1. Carajo, ya ni avisas cuando publicas algo hermano ¬¬.
    Valla, no se si habre escuchado esta cancion antes, o la habras escrito, pero sea cual sea su origen es genial :D
    Me alegra ya estes mas feliz, lo ves te lo dige.
    Pero noo¡¡¡ estabas de emo ¬¬ = que yo jajaja.
    Pero el amor te encontro y ahora seras mas feliz hermano.
    Ala proxima avisa cuando publiques no? porfas.


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